“Appetizer or Dessert” CONTEST RULES


Contest Rules (the “Rules”)




The “Appetizer or Dessert” Contest (the “Contest”) is held by Les Rôtisseries St-Hubert Ltd. (the “Organizer”). The Contest begins on July 22, 2024, at 00:00:01 a.m. Eastern Time (ET) and ends on August 18, 2024, at 11:59:59 p.m. ET (the “Contest Period”). The clock used by the Organizer will be the official clock that determines the date and time of receipt of an Entry (as defined below).


To be eligible to participate in the Contest, individuals must meet the following criteria at the time of Entry in the Contest (as defined below): they must be legal residents of Quebec, Ontario, or New Brunswick and must have reached the age of majority in their province of residence at the time of entry (the “Participant” or collectively, the “Participants”).

This excludes employees, directors, administrators, shareholders, officers, representatives and agents of the Organizer, as well as its respective subsidiaries, associated companies, franchisees, affiliated companies, advertising and promotional agencies and suppliers of prizes, and members of their immediate families (father, mother, sisters, brothers, children), legal or common-law spouses, and any persons with whom they are domiciled, whether or not they are related to them.

Each Participant must participate exclusively on their own behalf and be acting for their sole personal benefit.



There are two ways to obtain an Entry (as defined below) in the Contest:

A.  Place an order (for delivery) through our call centre at 514-385-5555 (toll free 1-877-385-2555) during the Contest Period and add an appetizer or dessert to the order. A Participant may enter more than once as long as the order is placed within the Contest Period and it includes an appetizer or dessert. Full name and valid contact details (email address mandatory) must be provided by the Participant.
Orders placed through our website, mobile app, delivery partners (e.g., Uber, DoorDash) or directly in rotisseries are excluded from the contest. This method of participation is not offered in all St-Hubert restaurants, see the “List of participating restaurants” section for details.

B. Submit a text to the Organizer: During the Contest Period, the Participant may write a text and submit it to the Organizer by email at tcostanzo@st-hubert.com. No purchase is required to enter the Contest when submitting a text to the Organizer.  The Participant’s email must contain all of the following:

  • The name, email address, and telephone number of the Participant.
  • A text of at least 500 words answering the following question: “What would you do with a $500 gift card from St-Hubert Rotisseries?” The submitted text must be original (not copied) and must not violate any applicable legislation, including intellectual property legislation. A Participant may not submit the same text more than once and may not reuse a text already submitted to the Organizer as part of another contest by the Organizer.

Once the text has been analyzed by the Organizer and deemed compliant with these Rules, the Organizer will grant the Participant one (1) Contest Entry for the Draw at the Participating St-Hubert Rotisserie identified in the Participant’s email. 

An “Entry” is every order (for delivery) that includes an appetizer or dessert that has been placed through the call centre or every text that has been submitted to the Organizer.

By entering the Contest, the Participant agrees to comply with these Rules and the Organizer’s privacy policy, available at https://www.st-hubert.com/en/privacy.html.

Limit: There is no limit of Entries per Participant for orders placed through our call centre that meet the eligibility requirements. For each order that includes an appetizer or dessert placed during the Contest Period, an Entry will specifically be issued in the name of the Participant who placed the order through our call centre.

There is a limit of one Entry for Entries made by submitting a text directly to the Organizer. Participants must submit their Entry personally. Participants may only use one (1) email address for this Contest. For the sake of clarity, a Participant may only obtain one (1) Entry for the entire Contest Period, regardless of the entry method.

Entries that are mechanically reproduced, falsified or altered are void. The Organizer is not responsible for Entries that are lost, late, not submitted or invalid; such Entries will be disqualified. All Entries become the sole property of the Organizer and will not be returned to Participants.

Any attempt by a Participant to obtain more Entries than those allowed by using multiple email addresses, identities, registrations, login credentials, or any other methods, will result in the cancellation of all the Participant’s Entries, and said Participant may be disqualified at the sole discretion of the Organizer. The use of all automated systems (including, but not limited to, the use of bots, scripts, macro commands or other automated services to submit Entries) to participate is prohibited and will result in Participant disqualification. In the event of a dispute regarding the identity of an individual who submitted an Entry, the authorized account holder of the email address used will be deemed to be the Participant. The “authorized account holder” is the person assigned to the email address by the Internet service provider, online service provider or organization responsible for assigning the account for the email address. Selected Participants may be required to provide proof that they are the authorized holders of a given account.


4. Prizes

As part of the Contest, there will be four Draws (as defined below) and four (4) Prizes (as defined below) available   to be won amongst the Participants. Each Prize consists of one (1) five hundred dollars ($500 CAD) St-Hubert gift card (the “Prize”) redeemable at St-Hubert Rotisseries.  

There are a total of four (4) Prizes available to be won in the Contest. The total value of the Prizes is two thousand dollars ($2,000 CAD) in St-Hubert gift cards.    The value of the Prizes is in Canadian currency and does not include applicable taxes, if any. 

Limit: Maximum of one (1) Prize per Participant.

Prizes must be accepted as described in these Rules and may not, under any circumstances, be transferred in whole or in part to another person, substituted for another prize or exchanged for cash, except at the sole discretion of the Organizer when provided for in these Rules. The Winner is not entitled to the difference, if any, between the approximate value of the Prize and the actual value. If a portion of the Prize is not used, in whole or in part, no monetary compensation will be provided. 

At any time and for any reason, the Organizer reserves the right to substitute a Prize described in these Rules, in whole or in part, with a prize of the same nature and of equal or greater value or, at its sole discretion, to award its monetary value specified in these Rules.

Use of the Organizer’s gift cards is subject to the terms and conditions of the gift cards.



On Monday, September 9, 2024, at the Organizer’s office located at 1755 Lionel-Bertrand Blvd., Boisbriand, Quebec, four (4) Draws (collectively, the “Draws” and individually, a “Draw”) will take place at approximately 11 a.m. ET. Each Draw will consist of randomly selecting four (4) Entries from the eligible Entries received by each Participating St-Hubert Rotisserie during the Contest Period.

The Organizer or a designated representative will make at least one (1) attempt to contact selected Participants within three (3) business days of the Draw by email or telephone using the information provided at the time of reservation or in the Contest Entry form. Each selected Participant shall contact the Organizer no later than forty-eight (48) hours after being contacted as mentioned above, as per instructions given by the Organizer. If, at the end of three (3) business days following the Draw, the selected Participant is unable to be contacted, or if the notice sent to the selected Participant is returned as undeliverable, or if the Participant has not contacted the Organizer within forty-eight (48) hours of the Organizer’s notice, the Participant will, at the sole discretion of the Organizer, be disqualified and forfeit all rights to the Prize. In such cases, the Organizer reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to conduct another Draw from the eligible Entries received by the Participating St-Hubert Rotisserie to award a Prize following the above-mentioned contact procedure.

To be declared a Prize winner (the “Winner”), the selected Participant must meet the eligibility criteria for the Contest and the validity criteria for Entry set out in section 2 above and must meet the following requirements:

  1. Sign a “Waiver of Liability” that will be sent to them by the Organizer, by which they may be called upon to, among other things, (i) confirm that they have complied with the Rules, (ii) indicate their acceptance of the Prize, (iii) transfer all ownership for any material the Participant provided when entering the Contest, if applicable, and (iv) release the Beneficiaries from any liability arising from this Contest. This document must be returned to the Organizer within seven (7) hours of being sent to the selected Participant or within a timeframe otherwise specified by the Organizer.    
  2. Correctly answer, without assistance, mechanical or otherwise, a mathematical skill-testing question administered at a mutually acceptable time by a means of communication selected by the Organizer. 
  3. At the request of the Organizer, if applicable, provide an additional piece of photo identification.

The Winner will receive their five hundred dollars ($500 CAD) St-Hubert gift card via email.

The Organizer reserves the right, at its discretion, to apply the procedure to select another Participant from among the Eligible Entries received by a Participating St-Hubert Rotisserie, who may be disqualified in the same manner if (i) a selected Participant cannot meet all these requirements or is found to have violated these Rules by the Contest Organizers, in which case they cannot be declared a Prize winner, or (ii) if the Winner fails to collect their Prize by the deadline indicated in these Rules.



Personal information. The Organizer and their authorized agents will collect, use, and disclose the personal information provided by Participants when entering the Contest, including but not limited to managing and administering the Contest, awarding Prizes and contacting Participants about the Contest and their Entry.

Each Winner authorizes the Organizer and its authorized agents to use their name, photograph, city, voice, images and/or statements regarding their Prize for advertising purposes in any media known at this moment or that will be developed in the future, including on the Internet at any time and in perpetuity, without any form of compensation or notice. WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING, EACH WINNER UNDERSTANDS THAT THEIR NAME, PHOTOGRAPH, CITY, VOICE, IMAGES AND/OR STATEMENTS IN RELATION TO THEIR PRIZE MAY BE USED BY THE ORGANIZER AND ITS AUTHORIZED AGENTS IN ANY MANNER, INCLUDING ON ADVERTISING POSTERS, ON TELEVISION OR RADIO, IN PRINT ADVERTISEMENTS, IN PROMOTIONAL VIDEOS, IN ONLINE ADVERTISEMENTS, AND ON WEBSITES OR SOCIAL MEDIA SITES.

The Organizer may offer the opportunity to receive other communications regarding products, contests and other promotional offers by the Organizer, its subsidiaries, or its affiliated companies, particularly by subscribing to the Organizer’s newsletter. No marketing or other communications unrelated to this Contest will be sent to the Participant, unless they have otherwise given their consent, subject to the provisions of applicable laws.

Please refer to the Organizer’s privacy policy for more information on how your personal data is managed: https://www.st-hubert.com/en/privacy.html.

No representations or warranties. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, the Organizer makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the quality or value of any Prize offered in connection with the Contest.

Contest conduct and disqualification. The Organizer reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel the entry of a Participant or disqualify a Participant from this Contest or exclude the Participant from any future Contests or promotions held by the Organizer (1) if the Participant fails to comply with any of the conditions of these Rules; (2) if the Participant participates or attempts to participate in this Contest by means contrary to these Rules or in a manner that is unfair to other Participants; or (3) if the Participant is suspected to have (i) tampered directly or indirectly with the conduct of the Contest, (ii) made a false statement regarding participation, or (iii) violated these Rules.

Any attempt to deliberately cause damage to any aspect related to the participation or administration of the Contest or to sabotage the legitimate conduct of the Contest constitutes a violation of criminal and civil laws. Should such attempts be made, the Organizer reserves the right to turn over the Participant and any other directly or indirectly involved person to the relevant judicial authorities and to seek redress under the law.

The Organizer’s decisions regarding any aspect of the Contest are final and cannot be appealed. The Contest is subject to all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Rules shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision contained herein. If any provision of these Rules is deemed invalid or otherwise unenforceable, these Rules shall remain in force and shall be construed as though the non-applicable provision were not contained herein. The headings are for reference purposes only and should not affect the interpretation of the Rules.

Limitation of liability. By participating in the Contest, Participants agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Organizer and their subsidiaries, affiliated companies, advertising agencies, licensees, franchisees, partners, subcontractors, retailers, distributors and suppliers of Prizes and all other parties involved in the Contest, as well as all their respective officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns (collectively the “Beneficiaries”) from any liability for any claim or action, loss, fine or legal costs arising, directly or indirectly, from the Contest and its administration, the Contest Prizes and related activities, the Participant’s Entry in the Contest or an attempt to participate in the Contest, including, but not limited to:

  1. By participating in the Contest, Participants agree to indemnify and release the Beneficiaries from any obligation and responsibility for any damage or loss caused by any technical problem or malfunction that may interfere with the Contest or its conduct, from, including but not limited to, the malfunction of any computer component, software or communication line, the loss or absence of network communication, or any transmission or download that is faulty, incomplete or erased by any computer or network. The contest Organizer does not guarantee in any way that all of the elements related to the participation in and administration of the Contest, including the Organizer’s website and/or mobile app, or any linked sites, if applicable, will be accessible or functional without interruption during the Contest Period or that they will be free of errors. The use of any component related to the participation or administration of the Contest is at the Participant’s own risk.
  2. By participating in the Contest, Participants agree to release the Beneficiaries from any responsibility for human, typographical, technical or computer errors, or for printing or network errors that may occur in connection with administering the Contest, downloading, counting votes, processing entries, posting Prizes or errors contained in the Contest documents.
  3. By participating in the Contest, Participants agree to release the Beneficiaries from all claims, actions, damages, demands, means of action, causes of action, lawsuits, debts, duties, accounts, bonds, agreements, guarantees, indemnities, fines, legal fees, contracts or liabilities of any kind arising out of or in connection with the participation or attempt to participate in the Contest, including but not limited to lost, incomplete, late or misdirected no-purchase entry forms, entry forms, emails, and/or, if applicable, liability release forms.
  4. By accepting a Prize, the Winner releases the Beneficiaries from all liability, obligation, claim, action, damage, demand, means of action, cause of action, lawsuit, debt, duty, account, bond, agreement, security, indemnity, fine, legal fee, contract or liability of any kind arising out of or in connection with the acceptance and/or use of the Prize, including, without limitation, any injury, illness, death or damage to property or loss of property. The Winner acknowledges that once the Prize is awarded, the obligations related to the Prize become the responsibility of the suppliers of the services and products making up the Prize, within the limits of applicable law.

Modification of the Contest. The Organizer reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend this Contest, in whole or in part, without prior notice or obligation, or to modify or suspend the Contest schedule or any of the dates set out in these Rules, in the case of an event or any human intervention that could alter or influence the administration, security, impartiality or conduct of the Contest as provided for in these Rules, a technical problem or other circumstance that, in the opinion of the Organizer, may adversely affect the proper administration of the Contest, or for any other reason, subject to the approval of the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux du Québec (the “Régie”), if required.

End of Contest participation. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, if the Contest, or any part of the Contest, cannot proceed as planned for any reason due to, including but not limited to, computer viruses or bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, programming errors or technical malfunctions that the Organizer, at its sole discretion, deems to corrupt or disrupt the administration, security, impartiality, integrity or normal conduct of the Contest, the Organizer may, at its sole discretion, subject uniquely to the approval of the Régie, void any suspicious Entry, and: (a) terminate the Contest, or any part of the Contest; (b) modify or interrupt the Contest, or any part of the Contest to correct the problem and restart the Contest, or any part of the Contest, in a manner that better respects the spirit of these Rules and/or; (c) award Prizes from the compliant eligible Entries received prior to the discovery of the problem, in accordance with the winner selection criteria set out herein.

Language. In the case of an inconsistency between the French and English versions of these Rules, if an English version exists, the French version will prevail.

The Régie. Any litigation respecting the organization or administration of a promotional contest may be submitted to the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux for a ruling. Any litigation respecting the awarding of a prize may be submitted to the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux solely for the purpose of helping the parties reach a settlement.


To count as a valid entry under the method described in Section 3A, an order must be prepared by one of these participating restaurants:

Amos - 201, avenue Authier, Amos, Quebec  J9T 1W1
Arthabaska (Victoriaville) - 609, boul. des Bois Francs Sud, Victoriaville, Quebec  G6P 5X1
Aylmer (Gatineau)  - 181, rue Principale, Gatineau, Quebec  J9H 6A6
Berthierville - 1091, avenue Gilles Villeneuve, Berthierville  J0K 1A0
Boucherville - 500, rue Albanel, Boucherville, Quebec  J4B 2Z6
Brossard - 6325, boul. Taschereau, Brossard, Quebec  J4Z 1A6
Buckingham (Gatineau) - 97, rue Georges, Gatineau, Quebec  J8M 1A2
Cadillac (Montreal) - 6225, rue Sherbrooke Est, Montreal, Quebec  H1N 1C3
Candiac - 107, chemin Saint-Francois-Xavier, Candiac, Quebec  J5R 3X8
Casino Charlevoix (La Malbaie) - 183, rue Richelieu, La Malbaie, Quebec  G5A 1X8
Charlemagne - 135, boul. Celine-Dion, Charlemagne, Quebec  J5Z 3L6
Châteauguay - 290, boul. d'Anjou, Châteauguay, Quebec  J6K 1C6
Complexe Desjardins (Montreal) - 100, rue Ste-Catherine Ouest, Montreal, Quebec  H5B 1B9
Cornwall - 705, Brookdale Avenue, Cornwall, Ontario  K6J 5C6
Côte-des-Neiges (Montreal) - 6795, chemin de la Côte des Neiges, Montreal, Quebec  H3S 2B5
Des Laurentides (Laval) - 1111, boul. des Laurentides, Laval, Quebec  H7N 5B5
Harwood (Vaudreuil-Dorion) - 435, boul. Harwood, Vaudreuil-Dorion, Quebec  J7V 7W1
St-Joseph (Drummondville) - 125, boul. Saint-Joseph, Drummondville, Quebec  J2C 2A5
Avenue du Parc (Montreal) - 3575, avenue du Parc, Montreal, Quebec  H2X 3P9
Beloeil - Express - 101, boul. Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier, Beloeil, Quebec  J3G 4G4
Boisbriand - Express - 2262, boul. du Faubourg, Boisbriand, Quebec  J7H 0A6
Cap-de-la-Madeleine - Express - 475, rue Vachon, Trois-Rivières, Quebec  G8T 8P6
Casselman - Express - 16, Industriel Street, Casselman, Ontario  K0A 1M0
Chambly - Express - 3200, boul. Fréchette, Chambly, Quebec  J3L 6Z6
Dorval - Express - 975, boul. Roméo-Vachon Nord, Dorval, Quebec  H4Y 0A2
Drummond-Sud (Drummondville) - Express - 2875, boul. Saint-Joseph, Drummondville, Quebec  J2B 7P5
Fleurimont (Sherbrooke) - Express - 1818, rue King Est, Sherbrooke, Quebec  J1G 5G6
Hawkesbury - Express - 456, County Road 17, Hawkesbury, Ontario  K6A 2R2
Sherbrooke East (Montreal) - Express - 7870, rue Sherbrooke Est, Montreal, Quebec  H1L 1A5
Lac-Mégantic - Express - 3600, rue Laval, Lac-Mégantic, Quebec  G6B 1A5
Marcel Laurin (Montreal) - Express - 1300, boul. Marcel-Laurin, Montreal, Quebec  H4R 1J9
Mascouche - Express - 241, Montée Masson, Mascouche, Quebec  J7K 3B4
Mercier - Express -  531, boul. Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Mercier Quebec  J6R 2A9
Riverside Drive (Ottawa) - Express - 4010, Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario  K1V 2E8
Pointe-aux-Trembles (Montreal) - Express - 12575, rue Sherbrooke Est, Montreal, Quebec  H1B 1C8
Porte du Nord (Saint-Jérôme) - Express - 960, autoroute des Laurentides, Saint-Jérôme, Quebec  J5L 2S4
Rigaud - Express - 420, chemin J.-René-Gauthier, Rigaud, Quebec  J0P 1P0
Rivière-Beaudette - Express - 100, autoroute 20, Rivière-Beaudette, Quebec  J0P 1R0
Roberval - Express - 21, boul. de l'Anse, Roberval, Quebec  G8H 1Z1
Rockland - Express - 9071, Highway 17, Rockland, Ontario  K4K 0B2
Roland-Therrien (Longueuil) - Express - 1901, boul. Roland-Therrien, Longueuil, Quebec  J4N 1A3
Saint-Léonard-d'Aston - Express - 180, rang du Moulin Rouge, Saint-Leonard-d'Aston, Quebec  J0C 1M0
Saint-Lin-Laurentides - Express - 700, rue Saint-Isidore, Saint-Lin - Laurentides, Quebec  J5M 2V1
Sainte-Dorothée (Laval) - Express - 1150, autoroute Chomedey Ouest, Desserte Ouest Aut 13, Laval, Quebec  H7X 4C9
Sainte-Rose (Laval) - Express - Express - 326, boul du Curé-Labelle, Laval, Quebec  H7L 4V7
 St-Hubert Street (Montreal) - Express - 6355, rue St-Hubert, Montreal, Quebec  H2S 2L9
St-Liboire - Express - 1145, rang Saint-Édouard, Saint-Liboire, Quebec  J0H 1R0
Verdun (Montreal) - Express - 4120, boul. LaSalle, Montreal, Quebec  H4G 2A5
Viau (Montreal) - Express - 7190, rue Michelet, Montreal, Quebec  H1S 3H4
Victoriaville West - Express - 17, route de la Grande Ligne, Victoriaville, Quebec  G6P 6V2
Vimont (Laval) - Express - 2133b, boul, des Laurentides, Laval, Quebec  H7M 4M2
Maloney West (Gatineau) - 357, boul. Maloney Ouest, Gatineau, Quebec  J8P 3W1
Gloucester/Orleans (Ottawa) - 2484, Saint-Joseph Boulevard, Ottawa, Ontario  K1C 1G1
Hull (Gatineau) - 225, boul. Maisonneuve, Gatineau, Quebec  J8X 4C4
Kirkland - 2939, boul. Saint-Charles, Kirkland, Quebec  H9H 3B5
Lajeunesse (Montreal) - 10520, rue Lajeunesse, Montreal, Quebec  H3L 2E6
Lasalle (Montreal) - 7979, boul. Newman, Montreal, Quebec  H8N 2N9
Laurier (Quebec) - 2905, boul. Laurier, Quebec  G1V 2M2
Magog - 1615, chemin de la Rivière aux Cerises, Magog, Quebec  J1X 3W3
Maniwaki - 100, rue Principale Sud, Suite 24, Maniwaki, Quebec  J9E 3L4
Mirabel - 17525, rue Charles, Mirabel, Quebec  J7J 0V8
Mont -Tremblant - 330, rue de St-Jovite, Mont-Tremblant, Quebec  J8E 2Z9
Mont-Laurier - 1108 boul. Albiny-Paquette, Mont-Laurier, Quebec  J9L 1M1
St-Laurent (Ottawa) - 1754, boul. Saint-Laurent, Ottawa, Ontario  K1G 1A2
Pie IX (Montreal) - 10495, boul. Pie IX, Montreal, Quebec  H1H 4A3
Place Longueuil (Longueuil) - 825, rue Saint-Laurent Ouest, Longueuil, Quebec  J4K 2V1
Repentigny - 201, boul. Brien, Repentigny, Quebec  J6A 8L6
Rouyn-Noranda - 60, avenue Quebec, Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec  J9X 6P9
Shawinigan - 1515, rue Trudel, Shawinigan, Quebec  G9N 8K8
King West (Sherbrooke - 3070, rue King Ouest, Sherbrooke, Quebec  J1L 1C9
Sorel-Tracy - 381, boul. Fiset, Sorel-Tracy, Quebec  J3P 3R4
Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier (Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville) - 2236, boul. Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier, Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Quebec  J3V 4P6
Saint-Donat - 747, rue principale, Saint-Donat Quebec  J0T 2C0
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts - 950, rue Principale Est, Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, Quebec  J8C 0A4
Sainte-Julie - 1900, rue Raymond Blais, Sainte-Julie, Quebec  J3E 2A1
Sainte-Thérèse - 350, boul. Curé-Labelle, Sainte-Thérèse, Quebec  J7E 2Y1
Saint-Eustache - 555, boul. Arthur-Sauvé, Saint-Eustache, Quebec  J7P 4X5
Cousineau (Longueuil) - 5885, boul. Cousineau Longueuil, Quebec  J3Y 7P5
Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu - 960, boul. du Séminaire Nord, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec  J3A 1L2
St-Martin West (Laval) - 3325, boul. St-Martin Ouest, Laval, Quebec  H7T 1S2
Terrebonne - 1415, boul. Moody, Terrebonne, Quebec  J6X 4C8
Des Forges (Trois-Rivières) - 527, boul.des Forges, Trois-Rivières, Quebec  G8Y 4Z3
Val d'Or - 1785, 3e Avenue, Val-d'Or, Quebec  J9P 1W3
St-Charles (Vaudreuil-Dorion) - 601, avenue Saint-Charles, Vaudreuil-Dorion, Quebec  J7V 8G4
Village (Montreal) - 1019, rue Sainte-Catherine Est, Montreal, Quebec  H2L 2G4